
A Story About The Selective Outrage At Inequality

Chris Rock, the comedian who got slapped by actor/rapper Will Smith when he was presenting the Oscars, made a comedy special about "selective outrage". I wonder if he is vegan, or if he makes animals suffer for his cravings. DeMorgen, the newspaper I'm unfortunately subscribed to for 3 years, published an article about how more women than men do well at school and get more master diploma's. They attributed this to their nature. Their biology. Women are genetically superior at studying.  The article also mentioned that one of the reasons less babies were being born, was because these highly educated women don't want to date below their status and income bracket. They would rather stay alone than date a poor manual laborer. This article came and went without controversy.  Then a short while after, DeMorgen published an about how people from poor backgrounds have less master diplomas, and my phone blew up with indignation. Multiple friends posted about it. Every opin...

The Rise Of Ecofascism And People As Copying Machines

A few years ago, within the space of two weeks, numerous left wing opinion makers posted hours of story on "ecofascism". Before this wave of accusations, I had never heard the term. The hypothesis goes: Madison Grant, a man born in 1865, wrote a eugenics book that apparently inspired Hitler, and he was also involved in preserving nature. Conclusion: environmentalism is founded on fascism. Environmentalists want to kill all people who are not white. As someone who has been following environmentalists for decades, this was a ridiculous hypothesis that these professional opinion havers suddenly all decided to promote. I had not noticed fascism or racism in those decades. The ones I followed were scientists and very objective. A lot of them were left leaning, talking about how white people were more responsible for the death of life. The green party in Belgium is quite woke. Meanwhile right wing parties deny or dismiss environmental concerns.  After this blitzkrieg of stories abo...

How I Lost 27kg (60lbs) Without Getting Hungry

Written for the nicest girl from Brussels I know. ❗️Warning: If you eat mostly plants, you need to plan your diet carefully and supplement.  Every Day you need to eat Whole Grains (or Sweet Potato), Legumes (Beans, Chickpeas, Green Peas, Lentils, Soy Products like Tofu), Vegetables, Dark Leafy Greens (Arugula, Kale), Mushrooms, Fruit, Nuts and Seeds. You need to supplement Vitamin B12, Vitamin D and Omega-3 DHA and EPA. Obey the daily recommendations for supplements. I recommend you don’t supplement anything else but these three. Supplements can be dangerous. For instance, you are not supposed to supplement Iron without a doctors permission, because it is dangerous if you don't need it. You also need to supplement Iodine (Jodium), or eat Seaweed or eat Iodine enforced products like Salt or Bread. You may also need to drink Calcium enforced Soy Milk, or eat Calcium enforced Soy Yogurt. Dark Leafy Greens have a lot of Calcium. Read my complete guide to eating mostly plants here. SHOR...

Are The Skeptics Guide To The Universe Shills?

Being 'skeptical' means that you don't believe something. But influencers who call themselves skeptics are the opposite. They are 'know-it-alls'. They claim to have a logical system that allows them to see the truth of everything. They are full of factoids and opinions. A true skeptic would just go "I don't know'. But you can't fill hours of podcast every week with scientific humility. A shill is a person that is promoting a product with deception. Pretending to be impartial, but actually working for a corporation. Are Steve Novella and The Skeptics Guide To The Universe shills? As a real skeptic: I don't know. But I have a story about them. The Skeptics Guide To The Universe is a long running science podcast. Every week they give their opinions on science news. Amazing how influencers find the time to become experts on every topic under the sun. My science teacher taught me: "The only way to know something for sure, is to test it yourself...

Climate Change Is Over

I'm subscribed to a newspaper. I'm stuck paying for 3 years, because I'm stupid. Every week, sometimes multiple times per day, I get a notifications telling me white men are evil, eat meat and don't take personal responsibility for your choices. But there is some huge news that I haven't read anywhere in the mainstream news. Namely that ExxonMobil has stated in their Global Outlook Report that existing oil/gas wells are declining by 15% per year, and that without more investment, Global Oil Supply will decline by 70% (!) by 2030 (!). I would link to the report, but Google won't let me find it anymore. The following however, is a quote from an article about the report: "However, global oil and natural gas supplies can virtually disappear without continued investment, warns the report. The Outlook reflects oil production naturally declining at a rate of about 15% per year—nearly double the IEA’s prior estimates of about 8%. This increase is the result of the ...

Breakfast Of Champions, A Closer Look.

❗️Warning!!!: If you eat mostly plants, you need to plan carefully and supplement!  Click here to read my complete but concise guide to eating mostly plants.  SHORT VERSION: I developed this delicious breakfast based on science. It's good for your whole body, but especially your brain. 🧠 It consists of a Yogurt Mix and a Chocolate Drink. Yogurt Mix:  1. Berries (frozen is cheaper),  2. Soy Yogurt,  3. Oatmeal and  4. Ground Flaxseed.  (Optionally some Nuts. Walnuts and Pistache are particularly beneficial.) Chocolate Drink:  1. A big spoon Cacao Powder, A spoon tip of: 2. Ginger Powder,  3. Black Cumin Powder,  4. Tumeric Powder,  5. Garlic Powder,  6. Cranberry Powder  (buy them in bulk from the internet, keep them dry in tupperware),  7. A dusting of Ground Black Pepper,  8. And mix it all with Soy Milk. ❗️Do not combine this breakfast with plants high in PPO (Polyphenol Oxidase), like Banana, Apple, Pear, or ...

Nature Or Nurture?

Is it Nature or Nurture? Is a person just a genetic robot, or can they choose their destiny? The answer seems to be both. We have genetic baggage, but we also have a great capacity to change. Some pop scientists relentlessly push for the Nature argument. Everything about you is inherited. Your bank account is just because of your innate IQ.  What is the point of pushing this message, if people have no ability to learn and change their behavior? No article or book can alter our destiny, if the biological determinism is true. So it's just a money-grab, then? "You are not a successful engineer because you studied engineering.  You were just born with the ability to engineer." And yes, these pop science geniuses do say "100% nurture". Fully determined by genes. People love simplistic black and white narratives. Stupid people, anyway. Stupid people like me, when I fell for biological determinism.  We have the ability to change. But you won't change a person with ...