How I Lost 27kg (60lbs) Without Getting Hungry

Written for the nicest girl from Brussels I know.

❗️Warning: If you eat mostly plants, you need to plan your diet carefully and supplement. 

Every Day you need to eat Whole Grains (or Sweet Potato), Legumes (Beans, Chickpeas, Green Peas, Lentils, Soy Products like Tofu), Vegetables, Dark Leafy Greens (Arugula, Kale), Mushrooms, Fruit, Nuts and Seeds.

You need to supplement Vitamin B12, Vitamin D and Omega-3 DHA and EPA. Obey the daily recommendations for supplements. I recommend you don’t supplement anything else but these three. Supplements can be dangerous. For instance, you are not supposed to supplement Iron without a doctors permission, because it is dangerous if you don't need it.

You also need to supplement Iodine (Jodium), or eat Seaweed or eat Iodine enforced products like Salt or Bread.

You may also need to drink Calcium enforced Soy Milk, or eat Calcium enforced Soy Yogurt. Dark Leafy Greens have a lot of Calcium.

Read my complete guide to eating mostly plants here.


I lost 27kg in about 2 years by going Whole Foods Plant Based (though I'm not strict), stopping drinking alcohol, stopping junkfood. And I try to move my body a lot throughout the day.

I eat two big meals per day: one in the morning, one in the evening. Inbetween those meals I eat as much Fruit as I want.

In de morning I eat my Breakfast Of Champions. Read about the Breakfast Of Champions here.  

In the evening I eat a complete Vegan meal with Whole Grains or Sweet Potatoes, Legumes, Vegetables, Dark Leafy Greens, Mushrooms, Seaweed.

Drink only Tea and Water.

Read my 15 min complete meal here. 

Read my cooking methode for a complete Vegan meal here. 

When I reach my desired body, I will add Nuts to my routine to maintain a healthy weight. At my maximum, I weighed 120kg. I now weight 93kg, and I'm aiming for about 75kg.



Plan your perfect day and try to stick to your ROUTINE.

LOSE WEIGHT SLOWLY. Every morning when you get up, go to the bathroom first and then weigh yourself and put it in a weight tracker app. Aim to loose 1kg (2lbs) every 4 to 6 weeks. DO NOT TRY A CRASH DIET.

If you lose weight too fast, your body goes into starvation mode. Your metabolism will slow down and you will get irresistible hunger attacks. Your body must not realize it is losing fat.

Loosing weight too fast is also the cause of loose skin.

Stuff yourself with foods that havel LOW CALORIE DENSITY (calories per volume). Cook without Oil or Margarine or Butter. (See my links for no-oil technique) Avoid Nuts while you are losing weight. Stop drinking alcohol, and eating junkfood.

If you would get your daily calories from Broccoli alone for instance, you would need to eat 9kg of Broccoli every day. That's about 18 heads of Broccoli. Or 3 regular bags of Potato Chips. Or 6 Croissants.

Eat as much Fruit as you want. But not dried Fruit as it is calorie dense.

Avoid Salt because it makes you hungry. People don't need to add Salt to get their Salt.

EAT MINDFULLY. When you eat, concentrate completely on your food. Don't watch TV, scroll your phone, talk or play music... when you eat, only eat. And enjoy it with your entire being.

MOVE YOUR BODY. Go to the gym, go for walks, dance to music. If I have to wait for the bus, I walk to the farthest next bus stop on the bus route.


To get rid of your addiction to Alcohol and Junkfood, read my guide to "Surfing The Urge".


Peace ✌️ 💜 


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