Johnny Belgium’s Psychedelic Trip Guide (updated)

I started doing psychedelic drugs late in life at the age of 27 and I regret not doing them sooner. They saved me. I had a miserable life before psychedelics. I was anxious, depressed and antisocial. I was a recluse without a friend in the world. I was arguing with people in my head all day long at work, triggered by stuff on TV. I was a psychological mess. And my first LSD trip was like 20 years of therapy in one afternoon.

Click here to read about my 'breakthrough' first acid trip.

I have done lots of LSD and some Mushrooms. I haven’t done DMT, Ayahuasca, Mescaline,... LSD is my vice. I did MDMA twice and it made me very relaxed but also it made me very sick the day after. People often get depressed after taking XTC.

I also recommend staying away from uppers or downers and sticking to psychedelics. No cocaine, no speed, no benzos or opiods like heroin or fentanyl, ... They are not good drugs. They will eff up your life. Stick to tripping if you are going to partake in drugs. Psychedelics are not inherently addictive. Some people call them anti-addictive. And they do not have known bad health effect. There is no known psychedelics over dosis, if you stick to Psylocybin (Mushrooms, Truffels), LSD, Ayahuasca, Mescaline (Peyote) and DMT. Off course you might have issues if you take absurd amounts.

Ketamine can destroy your bladder and your organ might have to be removed.

WARNING!: Some people report becoming depressed because of a psychedelic trip and some report developing schizophrenia. I happen to be a schizophrenic. Personally, I had psychotic episodes long before I took LSD, and never during or immediately after a trip. LSD does not make me psychotic. But maybe a massive dose would. 

A common drug that does make me have psychotic symptoms and is also addictive is weed. I recommend staying away from weed or only taking it in small doses. It's not as cool as a lot of people make it out to be.

Drinking alcohol and smoking cigarettes is not good for you as well. But alcohol is especially hard to avoid. I quit smoking tobacco and that took me years. I wish I never started. I was able to quit smoking cigarettes because I took nicotine pills.

Click here for my guide to using mindfulness to stay sober.

Anyway, I have a lot of LSD experience and here are my tips for a good trip:

Don’t take too much, DO NOT MIX PSYCHEDELICS WITH OTHER DRUGS, and follow the advice for a good trip. I recommend taking a dose of LSD between 200µg and 400µg (µg or micrograms are one millionth of a gram).

For dried mushrooms I recommend between 3g and 6g.

Please don't take more than these amounts. These are the maximum amounts.

For me LSD is much more lucid than mushrooms. I feel like I am more in control. But some people are different. Mushrooms are an emotional roller coaster. They take me for a ride. On LSD I can function and even have improved concentration. I’ve never had a bad LSD trip. 

Test your stuff with a test kit. Or get it from a reputable source. Don’t take street acid from a stranger. Since 2013 something called NBOMe has been sold as acid. It can lead to bad trips and even death. A friend of mine took some at a festival and ended up rolling around on the ground in his own shit. 

Personally I buy legal LSD alternatives from a research chemical site I trust. I especially like 1V-LSD also called "Valerie". It makes me feel like velvet. But now research chemicals are forbidden in Belgium.

Test with a small dose. To test how strong the dose of your batch is and how strong your reaction is. A friend of mine gets really far gone from a small dose. He might become psychotic on a big dose. So start off small to find out whether you are very sensitive and how you react to it.

Trip stoppers. You can buy pills that stop a trip. Anti-psychotics and anti-anxiety drugs. Handy to have around. I’ve never used them. But buy them!

The general idea is: Good Vibes. Set and setting. It’s all about good vibes.

Set means your emotional state. If you feel unhappy, depressed, or you have problems… don’t do it. Psychedelics will amplify your state of being. Start fixing your problems before you take the trip. You have to be feeling good as you take the trip. The trip will help you maintain your new positive path. But be on a steady positive path before you take the trip.

Setting is your surroundings. The place you are in and the people you are with. Be in a place you feel safe and with people you feel are safe.

Don’t Trip Alone. Have a trip sitter. Someone you trust. Being alone can give you a bad trip. And sharing the experience is fun.

Don’t trip around strangers or people you don’t like or people who are not into the psychedelic experience.

The trip sitter may or may not be tripping themselves. My brother doesn’t like to trip with people who are sober because it changes the mood. But the trip sitter should be experienced and in control of themselves.

Don’t trip in public. Some people like going into nature but here in Belgium there is a great chance of running into strangers. Then you’ll get paranoid about whether they can tell you are high. That can put you in a negative state. My brother once ran into strangers during a trip and his reaction was that his visuals got so strong he could not see anymore.

Be aware that an LSD trip can last up to 12 hours or longer. You need to be in your safe space for that amount of time. A Mushroom trip is much shorter. About 6 hours. With a DMT trip you are completely out of this world for just a few minutes and then sober again. Ayahuasca is basically a DMT trip that lasts hours, as I understand it.

Trip during the day. If you trip at night you will be jet lagged. You won’t be able to keep a normal sleeping routine. The point of a trip is to feel great. Not to be dysregulated for a week because you didn’t sleep for 40 hours. 

Start the trip early in the day and go to bed at a normal time.

Have a day off after the trip. If you trip on a Saturday, make sure you don’t have to do anything on Sunday. This will give you time to reflect and recuperate. But also, if you have to do something the day after, this will change the mood of your trip. You don’t want to be thinking of school or work during your trip. Unless you want to.

Trip on a sunny day, if the weather affects your mood. If you like the rain, trip on a rainy day. 

Clean your house. Both metaphorically and for real. A dirty house will have a major effect on your mood. Details will become amplified and dirt will seem extra dirty. A fresh house is a fresh mind. Clean your body and clean your clothes.

Also clean your house metaphorically, before the trip. Forgive people, ask to be forgiven, talk to your parents, tell people you love them, go sober, eat lots of fruits and vegetables, exercise, solve your problems,.. Go into the trip having your life in order.

Click here for my guide to a healthy plant based diet. (not as strict as a Vegan diet.)

Set an intention. Psychedelics is an opportunity to work on yourself. On psychedelics you can change your mind and become a new person. It's like pushing a reset button. Those obvious lessons from life can finally become emotionally integrated. Lessons like 'communicate', 'forgive' and 'don't be cynical'. Your mind is like that of a baby. Open and able to absorb. 
You can actually get out of the thought loops that you spend all day ruminating about. You can solve your trauma. And it works better if you go into the trip with a clear intention.

Wear comfortable clothing. 

Turn off your phone and hide it from yourself. You don't want to get a phone call or start sending messages you might regret. And being on your phone is a crappy way to spend your trip.

Empty stomach or not? You will go much harder if you take it on an empty stomach. It may be uncomfortable and it may make you nauseous. You can eat something so you slowly ease into the trip. Same with drinking really. But it's possible you won't peak if you have eaten something. It will get lost in the food.

I recommend not to eat 2 hours before dropping.

People say that if you put the LSD under your tongue it will start to work faster. But I don't notice that. Only an empty stomach makes a difference. But maybe that is because I take a legal LSD analogue.

It will take about 30min to 90min to kick in. There is the come up, the peak, and the come down. The peak can last several hours. You will experience waves of highness. Sometimes you will feel sober before it kicks in again.

Alcohol during the trip will ruin the psychedelic experience. Weed can cause a bad trip. I say: don't mix the trip with other drugs. I think this is actually a major cause of a bad trip, next to taking way too much. Weed can give you panic attacks and alcohol can depress you. Mixing psychedelics with other drugs can trigger thought loops and psychosis. Take it pure. Don't have other drugs in the house. That includes alcohol.


Remember: you are in control. Especially with LSD, in my experience. You can take the trip into a different direction. You are in control. This mantra will make it so. 

Some anxiety as it is coming on is normal. Just remember you will not be high forever. The anxiety goes away.

Don't fight it. When I trip I always go through a stage of depression at first. Depression because of the impermanence of everything. I think and worry about death. And I feel bad. But then I solve this problem by deciding to make the best of life and live healthier.
Then I go through a stage of guilt. Because of gossiping, broken promises, cynical jokes,... And then solve this problem. I will try to do better.

After going through these difficult stages first I become euphoric. I have a great time for hours.

Don't be afraid of a bad feeling. Experience the bad feeling with the energy of curiosity. Don’t try to push it down. It's okay to feel bad sometimes. Investigate where it came from and try to solve it. Is there a lesson in this feeling? Is there an action you can take? Emotions are not life threatening and you can let the thoughts they cause float away like a cloud. Don't identify with your thoughts. 

Sometimes you can cure a bad feeling by going into a different room or putting on different music. A change of setting. It is believed that drinking orange juice can cure a challenging trip. Maybe because of the sugar or vitamin C.

Taking more LSD during a trip is tricky. Taking more and then taking too much is a classic mistake for things you eat. There is a delay as it finds its way through your gut. But there is something peculiar about LSD. You build up tolerance so fast that taking more LSD after about two hours will not make you any more high. It will just lengthen the trip. Take LSD the day after you’ve taken it and you probably won’t trip at all. I would recommend: take more the next time if it wasn’t enough. So, don’t take more during a trip. 

Eat healthy snacks. Don’t eat or drink junk food during the trip. Eat and drink healthy things that make you feel good. Fruit, nuts, flavored water,… healthy unprocessed food. And maybe candy. Variety is key. Crappy food like potato chips will make you feel especially crappy.

Have a small bottle of water. If you get a feeling that you want something, taking a sip of water will cure that feeling. You can buy water with a taste.

Set up your media. You may lose the ability to operate your devices during the trip. If everyone is very high that may be a problem. So make sure it is ready to go.

You can listen to music during your trip but watching beautiful images on a big screen is also pretty great. Nature documentaries from BBC Earth. You can put on a nature documentary and play your own music. 

The works of Ron Fricke are made for the psychedelic experience: Koyaanisqatsi, Baraka and Samsara. So are Pixar movies. "2001: A Space Odyssey" (1968) is a must see! I made a special youtube playlist for the psychedelic experience: Click Here For Psychedelic Playlist

Some people think screens take the trip out of them but with a big screen and quality watching material you can have a great time. If you want to have a deeply spiritual and therapeutic trip you can listen to music and meditate with an eye mask on. Some claim an eye mask is essential for a therapeutic trip. Click here for a guide to meditation.

If you like  weird and dark music with a creepy Extra-Terrestrial mood I can recommend the group 'Tangerine Dream' with the album 'Sorcerer Soundtrack'. Not for sensitive people.

To ensure a mellow vibe maybe you should play Lounge Jazz. The kind they play in cool coffee shops. Lo Fi Hip Hop Beats are also very chill. "Giegling" mixes on YouTube are chill but you can also dance to them. You can play a compilation from the psychedelic sixties. But personally I find lyrics distracting. I had a great experience with the music of a creator named "Ott".

What feels especially good while tripping is stretching out and yawning. It might be the best feeling in the world. Unless you get a cramp in your foot.

What is not always mentioned about psychedelics is that you can laugh harder than you have in your entire life. The first time I took LSD, I laughed so hard at a little bird in a nature documentary, that my face felt like it was going to split.

Store your LSD in a cold and dark and dry and airless place. If you store it in the deep freezer make sure it doesn’t get wet from condensation as you take it out. Keep it in tupperware and let it warm up before opening.

LSD keeps for about 2 years in the freezer.

Your tolerance resets after about a week, but please don't trip every week.

See tripping as a sacred ritual and trip only 2 or 3 times per year. While tripping is not physically addictive like uppers and downers, it can be psychologically addictive and you might mess up your brain taking psychedelics every week. Respect the drug!

There is the following proverb in psychedelic circles: "Once you get the message, hang up the phone." Psychedelics are not without risks, and if you want to heal your mind, you should first try to do it with mindfulness, exercise, healthy diet and good sleep. People do have bad trips, become schizophrenics, become addicted, become depressed. This is a harm reduction guide, but you should try to reach happiness and enlightenment without drugs. 

Just remember: good vibes. 

Happy travels!


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