Breakfast Of Champions, A Closer Look.
❗️Warning!!!: If you eat mostly plants, you need to plan carefully and supplement! Click here to read my complete but concise guide to eating mostly plants.
I developed this delicious breakfast based on science. It's good for your whole body, but especially your brain. 🧠 It consists of a Yogurt Mix and a Chocolate Drink.
Yogurt Mix:
1. Berries (frozen is cheaper),
2. Soy Yogurt,
3. Oatmeal and
4. Ground Flaxseed.
(Optionally some Nuts. Walnuts and Pistache are particularly beneficial.)
Chocolate Drink:
1. A big spoon Cacao Powder,
A spoon tip of:
2. Ginger Powder,
3. Black Cumin Powder,
4. Tumeric Powder,
5. Garlic Powder,
6. Cranberry Powder
(buy them in bulk from the internet, keep them dry in tupperware),
7. A dusting of Ground Black Pepper,
8. And mix it all with Soy Milk.
❗️Do not combine this breakfast with plants high in PPO (Polyphenol Oxidase), like Banana, Apple, Pear, or Avocado, because you will destroy the beneficial Flavanols in the Berries and Cacao.
I always take my Vitamin B12, Vitamin D3 and Omega-3 DHA and EPA with breakfast, as a matter of routine.
Buy in bulk from the internet! I bought a kilo of Ginger Powder for 7 euros.
Berries are loaded with Antioxidants. Processes in your body like digestion create Free Radicals. Those are molecules with missing electrons, that go around stealing electrones in your body, thereby creating damage. Free Radicals can cause cancer to develop. Antioxidants have extra electrones, which they can give to the Free Radicals, thereby neutralizing them.
Berries may improve Insulin Sensitivity. Insulin is a hormone, made by the Pancreas, that takes sugar into the cells for energy. Berries may improve this process. Insuline Resistance leads to sugar staying in your blood, which leads to high Blood Sugar, which leads to nerve damage, which can lead to blindness.
A common cause of Insulin Resistance is Saturated Fat, which prevents sugars from entering the cell. The type of Saturated Fat in Pure Cacao is an exception.
Berries are high in Fiber. Fiber are indigestible carbs. They are parts of plants that we don't eat. They have a number of benefits. They slow down digestion, lowering the Blood Sugar spike, and making you feel fuller for longer. They are also food for the healthy bacteria in our gut, who then create beneficial molecules for us, like Butyrade.
Berries are low in calories, but very high in nutrients like Vitamin C.
Berries are anti-inflammatory. Inflammation is your immune system being active. But chronic inflammation can lead to heart disease, cancer, diabetes and obesity. Auto immune disorders are your immune system attacking parts of your body. MS is inflammation of your nerve system, for instance.
Berries lower your "bad" LDL cholesterol. High LDL cholesterol is a cause of heart disease and Altzeimer, which are the leading causes of death in The West.
Frozen Berries are cheaper, more nutritious and don't spoil in the fridge if you neglect to eat them.
Flaxseed (need to be/buy ground up!!!) are loaded with nutrients.
Flaxseed are high in ALA Omega-3 Fatty Acids. Your brain is mostly Omega-3 Fatty Acid. ALA is converted into Omega-3 EPA and DHA by your body. But not everyone is good at this conversion, and it declines with age. That is why vegans need to supplement with Omega-3 EPA and DHA from Algae sources. Omega-3 reduce inflammation and heart disease.
Flaxseed is high in Lignans, which protect against cancer.
Flaxseed is high in Protein and Fiber. It lowers your bad LDL cholesterol and your Blood Sugar.
Oatmeal is high in nutrients like Iron, Protein, Fiber. It lowers bad cholesterol. Unlike Iron from animal sources or supplements, your body can reject Iron from plant sources when it has had enough.
Soy Yoghurt has many nutritional benefits including reducing cardiovascular disease, reducing menopausal symptoms, weight loss, arthritis and brain function. It contains phytochemicals such as isoflavones, saponins, phytosterols that promote health.
Soy Yogurt is a fermented food, which can be a probiotic (contains useful bacteria) if it hasn't been sterilized.
No, Soy does not act like human estrogen in your body. It doesn't give men man-boobs. Unlike Cow Milk.
Cacao powder is often associated with enhanced mood and cognitive function. This is due to its content of theobromine and phenylethylamine, compounds that have mood-lifting properties. Theobromine is a mild stimulant similar to caffeine but without the jittery side effects, providing a gentle energy boost and mental clarity. Phenylethylamine, often called the "love chemical," promotes the release of endorphins and enhances feelings of happiness and well-being. Regular consumption of cacao can thus contribute to improved mental health and cognitive performance.
Tumeric is a powerful antioxidant. Don’t buy "curcuma" that has been extracted from Tumeric, because you need the whole plant to get the results. A little bit of Black Pepper increases the activity of Tumeric times 2000. Some Indian farmers add Lead to their Tumeric in order to make it brighter for market, so be careful where you source it.
Black Cumin Seed Powder improves cognition.
Cranberry Powder can prevent urine tract infections.
Garlic Powder is good for heart health, and against infections. Garlic has blood thinning effect, which prevents blood from clotting. You shouldn't supplement Garlic if you are taking blood thinners.
And so on...
Look it up yourself, you lazy bastard. 😆💜
peace brothers and sisters 🖖🌱💜
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