Trauma Doesn't Go Away, But With Mindfulness You Can Carry It.
Things from my past keep surfacing in my mind. More often than not, unpleasant things. Things someone did to me, or things I did to someone that make me feel guilty and cringe. Often these actions were words.
These things will only go away when your mind goes or you die. However, with mindfulness, you can learn to carry them with you. Instead of letting them drag you down.
Split yourself in two, when unpleasant thoughts surface. Split into the storm, and an observer of the storm. Experience your negative thoughts and emotions with the energy of curiosity instead of fear. When you become aware that your thoughts and emotions are excited, stop and ask yourself: what is this mind formation? Don't push it down. Don't try to run from it. But don't identify with it. Don't engage with it. Say to yourself: these thoughts and emotions don't define me.
Take your mind to the present moment: to your breath, your body and your senses. Let the storm in your mind float away.
Trauma never really goes away completely. But with years of mindfulness practice, you can learn not to let it drag you off and ruin your day. It will keep coming back, but you can become aware and let it go.
Only the present moment is real. Memories are very unreliable. You rewrite them every time you recall them. The past is not real anymore. It's a hallucination. The only time you are truly alive is when you are in the present moment.
Keep taking yourself back to your breath, your body and your senses.
Click here to read my concise guide to mindfulness.
peace ✌️ 💜
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