There Is No Destination, Only The Journey.
Artists who have completed a work, often fall into a depression. As if they have no purpose, now that they have achieved their goal.
I heard a proverb, I think from Vietnam, that says "When you are on a mountain, and you see another mountain in the distance, you want to be on that other mountain." I'm probably butchering it. I was with friends on a mountain in Albania, and indeed, they saw another mountain in the distance, and risked their lives to get there. I had to think of the Vietnamese saying. I stayed behind while my brain was giving me all sorts of scenarios that they had fallen to their deaths. I tried to just enjoy the waterfall I was at. No one died, but they did encounter dangerous situations. I would have frozen in fear.
Thich Nhat Hanh says of walking meditation, to realize with every step "I have arrived, I am home". Enjoy the present moment. Don't live in an unreliable past or a hypothetical future. Just enjoy the journey.
Brazilian writer Paulo Coelho said "Change. But start slowly, because direction is more important than speed."
There is no destination. Only the journey. Focus on a direction, on rules, on a routine, instead of a goal. Losing weight, for instance, and keeping it off, is a matter of a lifelong lifestyle change. Not a diet. People who focus on their weight goal often fall back into bad habits after reaching the goal and gain it all back.
Realize with every step: I have arrived, I am home.
peace ✌️ 💜
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