Reasons I Love Being Sober.

My Mind Works Better. My memory and concentration is much improved. I am present. I am witty and funny. I don't repeat myself. I'm adaptable. I'm creative and motivated. I feel and understand much deeper. I have the best words.

I Enjoy Life More. If you don't dampen your feelings with drugs (including alcohol and nicotine), you enjoy the simple things in life. You enjoy what is most important: other real life living creatures and plants. I love small talk with my neighbors. I love banality. I love living every moment.

My Stress Is Much Lower. Because of tolerance, which is the brain seeking out a baseline (homeostasis), drugs (including alcohol and nicotine) are not only the cure to your chronic stress and depression, they are also the cause of your stress and depression. Your brain adapts to being high or drunk, and the moments you are sober, you will be dysregulated. You need your drugs just to feel normal. After a few months of sobriety and withdrawal, you will feel much more at ease and happy.

I'm Losing The Weight. I lost 20kg, and have 20kg to go. Bad habits are like dominos. One triggering another. It is much easier to build and maintain a productive routine when you aren't fucking with your reward system. That includes nicotine.

I'm Less Worried About My Health. There is a certain worry-free-ness that comes with knowing that you are doing the best you can for your physical and mental health. (The brain is a physical thing).

I Don't Embarrass Myself. I don't get so wasted people feel sorry for me. I know when to swallow my words. I get social cues. I remember people's names, I can listen intently, and am not holding monologues. I don't shit my pants.

Click here to read my guide to quitting your bad habit with mindfulness.

peace ✌️ 💜 


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