Nature Or Nurture?
Is it Nature or Nurture? Is a person just a genetic robot, or can they choose their destiny? The answer seems to be both. We have genetic baggage, but we also have a great capacity to change.
Some pop scientists relentlessly push for the Nature argument. Everything about you is inherited. Your bank account is just because of your innate IQ.
What is the point of pushing this message, if people have no ability to learn and change their behavior? No article or book can alter our destiny, if the biological determinism is true. So it's just a money-grab, then?
"You are not a successful engineer because you studied engineering. You were just born with the ability to engineer." And yes, these pop science geniuses do say "100% nurture". Fully determined by genes. People love simplistic black and white narratives. Stupid people, anyway. Stupid people like me, when I fell for biological determinism.
We have the ability to change. But you won't change a person with down syndrome into a regular person with positive thinking. My cat is not going to cook my dinner. I am however, in many ways, the opposite of what I used to be. I was introverted, now I'm not. I was addicted, now less so. I couldn't remember names, with practice, now I can.
Mental health is part of your general health. Your mind is part of your body. Cannot be separated.
The nurture that perhaps has the greatest impact are the molecules you put into your body. Medication, food, drugs.
The 4 pillars of a healthy body are: nutrition, exercise, sleep and mindfulness.
peace ✌️ 💜
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