How To Save The Living Planet

A financial system that demands compounding, accelerating economic growth and industrial civilisation is quickly killing the living planet. 

It may be the only life in the universe. 

It's the only habitat that supports human life. It's a gamble that we as animals can survive without the wild. 

Without abundant and diverse wildlife I personally don't see the point of humanity. Life is sacred. Life is God. If everything is just us, the few species we domesticated and a mountain of gadgets, then we have essentially killed the planet. 

There is a low tech solution to save life on earth. And that is degrowth. To shrink the economy. For humanity to have a smaller ecological footprint. 

Some of the degrowth measures require government action but some you can do right away.

Some say it is too late to save the planet. But we can't predict the future and we must not give up on life on earth. We can mitigate the damage we do.

Here is what we can do:

1. Take Personal Responsibility For The Choices You Can Make.

2. Eat Mostly Plants (Be Careful You Get Your Daily Dose Of: B12, DHA/EPA, D3, Calcium, Iodine, Iron, Selenium, Zinc, Fiber, Protein, Calories). Click here for an ultra short guide to eating mostly plants. 

3. Have Small Families (3 Children Is 50% Growth)

4. Go Carfree And Create A Carfree Infrastructure (Walkable Towns, The 15 Minute City, Public Transportation)

5. Live A Minimalist Lifestyle (drink tap water instead of alcohol or soft drinks for instance).

6. Live In A Passive Home That Doesn't Require Heating Or Cooling (add isolation to the outside of your home for instance). Share a home with other people.

7. Most Of The Planet Should Be Nature Reserve (cities surrounded by nature and nature in the cities).

8. A Localized Economy As Much As Possible (local food production for instance).

9. A Circular Economy As Much As Possible.

10. Production Of Goods That Isn't Toxic.

11. Minimize The Harm You Do.

12. Maximize The Good You Do.

These changes we can start doing right now without waiting for a miracle technology. And they can have a huge impact. If humanity ate a mostly Plant Based diet for instance then we could free up 75% of agricultural land for carbon sequestration. We can heal the rainforest. Going plant based is a choice most people can make. 


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