Say Goodbye To Your Addiction Forever. (Junkie Logic)

I am sober 126 days, after about 3 years of struggle, trying to quit. Sobriety is the ultimate high. My mind is working much better. I feel great, and motivated, now that I am not chemically messing with my reward circuits.

Being sober, I recognize my own previous Junkie Logic in my friends. One thing in particular is that they cannot imagine never getting high or drunk again. So they come up with all sorts of tricks and rules to try and moderate.

Only the weekends. Only at parties. Only once per month. I know someone who keeps their stash at another addicts house, to create a barrier, thereby exposing their friend to their addiction, when they end up showing up at their place several times per week. And it's all steaming BULLSHIT. It's Junkie Logic. They all fall off the wagon eventually.

A friend said not long ago that they were going to quit for a month, after having psychotic symptoms. A week later they said they used again, but it's okay, "they have it under control". Another week later they said they had fallen off the wagon big time. That was me for years.

Moderation is a lie. You have to say goodbye to your addiction forever. Sobriety is it's own reward, in my opinion. Life is much better when you don't mess with your brain chemistry. (That includes alcohol, nicotine and junkfood.)

Click here for a post on how to stop your addiction with mindfulness. 

peace ✌️ 💜


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