Should You Buy Another Ticket In The Cancer Lottery?

You can choose to live a life of intentionality, of mindfulness and awareness, instead of living life on autopilot, lost in thought loops about the past or the future. People take numerous actions every day that decide the difference between living to a healthy old age, or dying prematurely, or worse, becoming handicapped.

Some unhealthy actions build up over time. Like eating too many calories, too much bad saturated fat, too much salt, too much not-moving-your-body, too many short nights of sleep... 

Some actions are more like a lottery. For instance, 90% of cancers are due to lifestyle. Tabacco, alcohol, processed meat and red meat cause cancer. Every time you expose your cells to these poisons, could be the time you cause the DNA mutation that triggers cancer. 

It could be the very first cigarette you smoke, or the 100 thousandth cigarette that gives your body cancer. Every drink of alcohol could also be the one that gives you cancer. Or every sausage.

If you live with awareness and have insight, every action becomes a conscious choice. You are aware that you are choosing to buy a ticket in the cancer lottery, when you choose to smoke that cigarette, imbibe that alcoholic drink, shovel junkfood into your mouthhole.

Ask yourself the question, when an urge to consume cancer arises: are these few initial seconds of pleasure (after which you consume on autopilot) worth getting sick over? Do I want to buy another ticket to the cancer lottery?

Be aware that you are making a choice.

Click here to read my short guide to stopping your bad habit with mindfulness. 

peace đź––đź’ś


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