Liberals Suck At Selling The Multicultural Society.
When I wanted to leave Reddit because it is quite toxic and stupid, I decided to subscribe to a decent Flemish newspaper. Because I'm a promo-slut, I took a 3 year contract which I regret, because I can't get out of it.
The days after starting my subscription to DeMorgen, they published an article saying their readers had complained about the negative environmental news. DeMorgen said from now on they would publish positive environmental news.
And they did, finding the slightest silver lining, while the science is clear that humans have triggered the worst extinction event in earth's history. And agriculture will probably fail before the end of the century, when my godchild is going to still be younger, hypothetically, than the age my grandfather died at. (I can't help myself, sorry). But more algea though, yay.
I should have subscribed to The Guardian.
So I read DeMorgen, and at least every month, sometimes every week, today 2 in a day, they publish an article about how much it sucks to have an immigrant background, because of how racist indigenous Belgians are.
I've been reading how miserable immigrants are in European countries for the last 20 years. So... is the multicultural society a failure?
Liberals suck at selling the multicultural society to the aboriginal European population. Not only was there no consent for this social experiment, people explicitly said "no", and liberal opinion makers called them stupid and evil. I have read/heard the argument hundreds of times that white people are picky about jobs and too lazy, and that that is the reason for immigration. For years, liberals were taunting right wingers that they were going to become a minority, and be punished for white supremacy. They keep pressing the talking point that immigrants are miserable, because of racist oppression.
Not exactly selling it guys. Not exactly building bridges. Whites are the baddies, in the lore of the multicultural society.
What is the point again, if everyone is miserable? Did you know you don't have to blame a single group for everything that goes wrong? Judge people as individuals.
But in Flanders it doesn't really matter in the long run. Because scientific research calculates that it is already locked-in that the ocean will swallow the Flemish region. The Flemish will become climate refugees. DeMorgen hasn't published this. The Guardian did. Sorry, can't help myself.
I'm not a racist. I said that on Reddit, and they said that's exactly what a racist says. Nothing I wrote here is racist. I don't care about immigration. I just think Tom Lanoye can suck a lemon.
peace ✌️ 💜
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