The Time Woke Author Tom Lanoye Turned Me Right

I was a liberal as a kid. A religion teacher once asked me during a verbal exam whether immigrants should get the right to vote. I said of course, if they live here they should get a say. I didn’t see colour. There was a new kid in class and only when a teacher asked where he came from did I realize he was brown. He was from Morocco but had a Flemish mother.

But really, I had no political awareness. I never thought about immigrants or anything political. I had no opinions. As a teenager I was exclusively obsessed with cars.

It was the 90ties, an age of hope. We were going to destroy antiquated ideas and go into a future of prosperity, freedom and peace. My personal life was a mess but the culture was progressive.

My first job, in 2004 when I was 22 years old, was as a cleaner. It was an impossible job. I had to clean a three story office building, temporary container buildings and a warehouse, on my own, part time. It could not be done, but the client demanded that my employer, a cleaning company, stick to the impossible contract. 

One fateful day cleaning I found a "Humo" magazine in the paper bin and decided to read it. Humo is a 'cool' progressive magazine. An opinion column in it would trigger a massive panic attack, paranoia and a right wing political awakening. 

The column was written by celebrated author Tom Lanoye. In it he said that the reason for immigration and the multicultural society is that Flemish people (white Dutch speaking Belgians) are "picky, lazy and stupid." 

I had a massive panic attack. It was mixed with paranoia because I got a feeling he was addressing me personally. They call that a delusion of reference. 

If you said that about black people you would literally go to jail. Here it was in the Humo. And if this is really the reason behind immigration, to discipline Flemish workers, then logically, as a picky, lazy and stupid Flemish worker, who was at the time cleaning an entire building complex on his own, I should be against immigration. 

It got stuck in my head. It became obsession. I developed an extensive argument against the multicultural civilization. As I was working, I would debate it in my head over and over again. You might say a psychological trauma. 

I ended up visiting a holocaust denying website and started arguing that in my head.

I worked at a giant warehouse in 2009-2010 where I met a lot of friendly, hard working immigrants. And also a lot of racist white people, who disgusted me. But Tom Lanoye was still in my head. It took LSD to clear my thought wound. I ended up being a whistle blower against the company's racist bosses and social fraud.

In 2011 I was ramping up to a massive psychotic episode that lasted more than a year. I was on a woke website trying to spark a revolution. The "Occupy Wall Street" protests were happening. One day I started attacking white people, just like Tom Lanoye. I saw myself as an attack dog for the website, which posted a lot articles about discrimination. I had also seen a lot of discrimination against immigrants at work.

I was in attack mode and somewhere had decided that the end justified the means. I was completely aware that attacking their whiteness was racist and would have the opposite effect. But I just wanted to inflict damage.

That was one day and a few posts. I went for a walk and decided that I wouldn't bring up race again. Attack ideas, not people. 

A lot has been said about woke. I am not afraid of immigrants. I love immigrant neighborhoods. But if even progressive people can't stop themselves from attacking people for their whiteness, straightness or penis ownership, I have little hope that we will one day live in harmony as one big happy family. 

And there is a double standard that frustrates people. Tom Lanoye is showered with awards and subsidies. Had he said the same thing about any other group, he would be jailed. It happens.

White supremacists exist and racism was a big part of the ideology of colonizing Europe. But the woke notion of white supremacy, that white (straight, male) people pull all the strings and are to blame for everything that goes wrong, that all white people are rich and powerful, and everyone else a victim of the whites, is a copy of "The International Jew." Plenty of white people are not King Leopold II. Plenty of white people are not evil, stupid, lazy. The problem is not white people. The problem is racism.

Woke people are the left wing version of fascists. They harm the multicultural society. They harm leftism. They are intolerant and create more intolerance. They turn people to the right by putting them on the defensive.

It should be noted that the Humo magazine is owned by a billionaire family and that left wing politicians don't seem to be woke. It's a fringe group that gets more attention than justified. They are useful idiots for the right. They are a gift for the right. The lack of repercussions against woke racism is also a gift for right wing parties.

It should also be noted that most woke influencers are white. Maybe these people just love to hate and they found a loophole. 

How about we judge people as individuals for their choices and the good or harm they do.

peace ✌️ 💜


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