
Showing posts from September, 2024

Johnny Belgium’s All Purpose Modular Healthy Cheap Sience-Based Vegan Cooking Technique

❗️Warning!!!: If you eat mostly plants, you need to plan carefully and supplement! Click here to read my complete but concise guide to eating mostly plants.  You need to at least supplement vitamin B12, vitamin D3 and Omega-3 DHA and EPA. Don't worry, the cave people took them as well. 😉 Obey the daily recommendations for supplements. Don't take supplements willy-nilly. You can poison yourself with supplements. The following link is an excellent resource for health related topics: This post is the culmination of 10 years of research and development. For free, from me to you. 🤲 ULTRA SHORT VERSION: Make a one pot dish with: A Flavor Base, 1/4 Whole Grains, 1/4 Legumes, 2/4 Vegetables including Dark Leafy Greens, a little bit of Seaweed and Mushrooms, use Herbs&Spices, as desert or snack Nuts and Fruit. Drink Water, Decaf Coffee, and Tea for hydration. SHORT VERSION: Look up recipes for flavor combinations, and modify them till you get 1/4 Whol...

If She Is Friendly, A Man Will Think She Wants Him. If She Isn't Friendly, Then "She Knows She Is Pretty".

I don't think reproduction explains all our behaviors. Some may be a byproduct of the mechanism, or just a random mutation that tags along. But still, spreading your seeds or eggs is a powerful instinct. There is something women should know about men. If you are a(n attractive) woman, and you give a (heterosexual) man a little bit of attention, if you are a little bit friendly or you just make eye contact for longer than a glance... that man's brain will tell that guy "she wants you" and he will start fantasizing and making plans. Some maladapted men will instantly think she now owes him her attention, now that they had this special moment. Some men will project their insecurities onto her. These men have no rizz and they have no life, and this subconscious knowledge makes them feel miserable and they will, instead of working on themselves, generate anger at this friendly woman. The evolutionary strategy of a man is to impregnate many women. Not that all men are like ...

Habit Hoarding (Sometimes You Need To Sacrifice)

When I was into a serious drug addiction, I would stack my addictions. I would hold drug sessions, take acid, combine it with a space cake, XTC, joints, cigarettes, alcohol, eat junkfood and watch hyperstimulating media like horror movies. The tendency is to push it as far as you can take it. Some people have multiple screens on their desk, playing YouTube, playing music or podcasts, while having a screen for studying or work, while gaming and vaping and drinking energy drinks. Add weed and alcohol after 18h00. Or make that 16h00. People accumulate habits that they don't want to let go of. Addiction expert Anne Lembke says you can get addicted to anything. She had a client who was addicted to getting intoxicated by drinking too much water. Anne Lembke herself was addicted to romance novels. You can have a procedural addiction. Addicted to a behavior like pulling out your hair. I was addicted to getting into debates online, thinking I was particularly intelligent.  The private capit...

The Time A Dietician Tried To Talk Me Out Of Quitting Alcohol (Junkie Logic)

In Dutch, addiction is called 'verslaving' or 'enslavement'. It is said that some slaves came to love their masters. They would boast to other slaves that their master was richer and owned more slaves. A representative of that phenomenon is the character 'Stephen' in the Tarantino film "Django Unchained" (2012). Junkies (including alcohol) also love their master. They worship their drug. They come up with reasons why this drug is actually good for them. They cannot imagine a life without getting drunk or high. They also cannot imagine another person being sober. People have tried to discourage me, when I told them I was trying to quit. It is to be expected. I'm not their victim and I don't kick them out of my life, as some would recommend. In 2019 I had a psychotic episode. My dealer went psychotic first, and I couldn't get weed no more, and then I probably went psychotic from the withdrawal. In the beginning I didn't sleep for two week...

Are You A Dipper? (Weight Loss Advice)

From a random YouTube suggestion I learned something about myself that was a game changer for my weight loss journey. All hail the algorithm.  For the record: I'm still fat, but I am slowly losing weight and have lost 18kg (± 40 pounds) since I started this journey three years ago. It was a struggle, but I am now on a steady path. The important nugget of science is that about 1/4 of the human population experience a dip in their blood sugar about two hours after eating. This leads to snacking and overeating and obesity. I am a 25 percenter. I am a dipper. With mindfulness I am aware of this, and I know that if I ride out the hunger spike (surf the urge) it will subside in a while, and I won't be hungry anymore. If I give into it, I will get hungry again every 2 hours, and become a circus freak. I eat 3 healthy meals per day, no snacking. I try to eat between 07h00-08h00, 12h00-13h00 and 18h00-19h00. I drink only tea and water in between.  Click here for my post on how to contr...

Look At Where You Want To Go (Not At The Obstacle)

My father was at one time a driving instructor as a second job. He taught me: "You will automatically drive towards where you are looking. So don't look at obstacles, but look at where you must drive to avoid the obstacle. If you look at the obstacle, you will hit it." I think this is not only true for driving, but also for obstacles in a broader sense. Often, people who complain about something strongly will be the biggest hypocrites when it comes to that issue. I can only speculate why. Perhaps they feel entitled to the same behavior because they think they are victims. Or they think they can distort reality. Perhaps they are focusing on the obstacle, and driving toward it. I had a friend who complained about a person ghosting him. And the way he complained, I suspected he was going to ghost me one day. He used to call me two times per day, and about a month ago he blocked me out of nowhere.  People who complain about colleagiality are often the least helpful. People wh...