Look At Where You Want To Go (Not At The Obstacle)
My father was at one time a driving instructor as a second job. He taught me: "You will automatically drive towards where you are looking. So don't look at obstacles, but look at where you must drive to avoid the obstacle. If you look at the obstacle, you will hit it."
I think this is not only true for driving, but also for obstacles in a broader sense.
Often, people who complain about something strongly will be the biggest hypocrites when it comes to that issue. I can only speculate why. Perhaps they feel entitled to the same behavior because they think they are victims. Or they think they can distort reality. Perhaps they are focusing on the obstacle, and driving toward it.
I had a friend who complained about a person ghosting him. And the way he complained, I suspected he was going to ghost me one day. He used to call me two times per day, and about a month ago he blocked me out of nowhere.
People who complain about colleagiality are often the least helpful. People who complain about intolerance or discrimination are often the biggest perpetrators.
In order to solve a problem, you must focus on the path forward, and not obsess about the problem. You must have a solutions mindset. You must acknowledge a problem, and then focus on the way out, and leave it behind.
Don't think of reasons why you are powerless to fix an issue. Think of solutions. Don't say no to advice automatically, but consider it, and try it out.
Don't get stuck mulling over your misery. Don't hold on to anger. You will become a bitter person. You will victimize others.
Keep moving forward.
peace ✌️ 💜
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