Climate Change Is Over

I'm subscribed to a newspaper. I'm stuck paying for 3 years, because I'm stupid. Every week, sometimes multiple times per day, I get a notifications telling me white men are evil, eat meat and don't take personal responsibility for your choices.

But there is some huge news that I haven't read anywhere in the mainstream news. Namely that ExxonMobil has stated in their Global Outlook Report that existing oil/gas wells are declining by 15% per year, and that without more investment, Global Oil Supply will decline by 70% (!) by 2030 (!).

I would link to the report, but Google won't let me find it anymore. The following however, is a quote from an article about the report:

"However, global oil and natural gas supplies can virtually disappear without continued investment, warns the report. The Outlook reflects oil production naturally declining at a rate of about 15% per year—nearly double the IEA’s prior estimates of about 8%. This increase is the result of the world’s shifting energy mix toward “unconventional” sources of oil and natural gas. These are mostly shale and dense rock formations where oil and gas production typically declines faster."


Without Diesel, global supply chains will fail. Without natural gas, we can't make synthetic nitrogen fertilizer. Both are produced from oil wells.

We took the easy and high quality oil out of the ground first. This "conventional oil" peaked in 2005. Fracking and deep sea wells bought us 20 more years. After that, the energy party is over. It's the end of industrial civilization.

We will have to eat plants, eliminate the personal car, produce locally, share buildings to share the heating or cooling, use human labor instead of machines,... we are going back to the middle ages, except that there are over 8 billion of us and we all but totally eradicated the wildlife on this tiny planet.

This is the biggest event in human history, and it is completely missing from the mainstream news. Don't start looking for a group to blame. That's your monkey mind. We were all born into it, and we all played a part.

peace ✌️ 💜 


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