The Rise Of Ecofascism And People As Copying Machines

A few years ago, within the space of two weeks, numerous left wing opinion makers posted hours of story on "ecofascism". Before this wave of accusations, I had never heard the term. The hypothesis goes: Madison Grant, a man born in 1865, wrote a eugenics book that apparently inspired Hitler, and he was also involved in preserving nature. Conclusion: environmentalism is founded on fascism. Environmentalists want to kill all people who are not white.

As someone who has been following environmentalists for decades, this was a ridiculous hypothesis that these professional opinion havers suddenly all decided to promote. I had not noticed fascism or racism in those decades. The ones I followed were scientists and very objective. A lot of them were left leaning, talking about how white people were more responsible for the death of life. The green party in Belgium is quite woke. Meanwhile right wing parties deny or dismiss environmental concerns. 

After this blitzkrieg of stories about how people who want to save the wildlife on this tiny planet are actually nazis, environmentalist spaces on the internet got brigaded by rabid lefties. It still happens today. It's one of those stories that stuck. Whenever someone talks about the sustainability of the human project, they get accused of being racist and wanting to genocide non-white people. Often, in these belligerent wordsalad tirades, they retell the story of Madison Grant. They use the word "ecofascism".

When I was a keyboard warrior for the left, I would just attack everyone that left wing opinion makers pointed out to me. I would not care whether it made sense. I was simply in attack mode. Like a trained dog. Like a robot.

People instinctively care more about sides than about truth. They love to hate "the other". In-group/out-group dynamics. You can see it on the playground. You can see it at soccer matches. You can see it everywhere.

I attempt to keep disassembling my assumptions, my identity and my story about reality. I try not to engage with my monkey mind. I try to live in reality. I almost never get angry. When I have a prejudiced feeling or thought about someone else, I try to disprove it. Most of the time I have to conclude: I don't know. I'm just an ape. My brain is just a blob of fat tissue. 

I think, using introspection, that a lot of people don't care whether their story makes sense, as long as they can inflict an injury. Score a point. Get clicks and likes.

I also think a lot of people copy-paste stories from their side without any doubt. If people start identifying as left or right or any other group, they uncritically adopt all the stories from that group. They become furious if you have a different story. If you have a contradicting story, you are stupid, evil and false.

But doubt is the beginning of knowledge. And judge people as individuals. Not as the group you think they belong to.



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