
Showing posts from November, 2024

Links To My Most Useful Posts (My Final Blog Post)

My harm reduction guide to a psychedelic trip. My guide to mindfulness. My complete guide to eating mostly plants.  A concise guide to preparing a complete and delicious plant based meal. My method how I quit my addictions with mindfulness. Every time I write, and share it on my socials, I worry that I am doing something inappropriate. I also experience this sharing as something compulsive, addiction-like. All day I am monitoring the views on my blog. I have decided to cut this behavior out of my life as well. I just need to let go. Enjoy the present moment. Don't try to correct information, or save the world, or prove how smart I am. I want to be Hirayame from the movie 'Perfect Days' (2023). Just enjoy being a nobody, doing nothing spectacular, but experience the spectacular beauty of the world. peace ✌️ 💜 

Say Goodbye To Your Addiction Forever. (Junkie Logic)

I am sober 126 days, after about 3 years of struggle, trying to quit. Sobriety is the ultimate high. My mind is working much better. I feel great, and motivated, now that I am not chemically messing with my reward circuits. Being sober, I recognize my own previous Junkie Logic in my friends. One thing in particular is that they cannot imagine never getting high or drunk again. So they come up with all sorts of tricks and rules to try and moderate. Only the weekends. Only at parties. Only once per month. I know someone who keeps their stash at another addicts house, to create a barrier, thereby exposing their friend to their addiction, when they end up showing up at their place several times per week. And it's all steaming BULLSHIT. It's Junkie Logic. They all fall off the wagon eventually. A friend said not long ago that they were going to quit for a month, after having psychotic symptoms. A week later they said they used again, but it's okay, "they have it under contr...

Ultra Short Guide To Eating Mostly Plants

If you eat mostly plants, you need to supplement! The supplements you have to take are Vitamin B12, Omega-3 EPA and DHA and Vitamin D3 . The rest can be done with a complete diet. Obey the daily recommendations of supplements. Get your blood tested regularly for deficiencies specific to eating mostly plants.  Eat meals that consist of: 1/4 Whole Grains: Oats, Buckwheat, Spelt, Wheat, Barley, Rice, Quinoa, Bulgur, Farro, Millit, Whole Grain Pasta, Whole Grain Bread, Sweet Potatoes,... 1/4 Pulses: Lentils, Chickpeas, Beans, Green Peas, Soy Products,... (Pulses are the edible seeds of the Legume plant) 2/4 Vegetables including Dark Leafy Greens (Arugula, Kale, Sprouts,...), Mushrooms and a little bit of Seaweed for the Iodine.  Use Herbs&Spices. As desert or a snack eat Fruits and Nuts. Click here for my complete guide to eating mostly plants. Click here for my incomplete guide to cooking a complete plant based meal. peace 💜🖖🌱