If She Is Friendly, A Man Will Think She Wants Him. If She Isn't Friendly, Then "She Knows She Is Pretty".

I don't think reproduction explains all our behaviors. Some may be a byproduct of the mechanism, or just a random mutation that tags along. But still, spreading your seeds or eggs is a powerful instinct.

There is something women should know about men. If you are a(n attractive) woman, and you give a (heterosexual) man a little bit of attention, if you are a little bit friendly or you just make eye contact for longer than a glance... that man's brain will tell that guy "she wants you" and he will start fantasizing and making plans.

Some maladapted men will instantly think she now owes him her attention, now that they had this special moment. Some men will project their insecurities onto her. These men have no rizz and they have no life, and this subconscious knowledge makes them feel miserable and they will, instead of working on themselves, generate anger at this friendly woman.

The evolutionary strategy of a man is to impregnate many women. Not that all men are like this. As the fetus incubator, women have to be selective. Their investment in offspring is much greater than a "kwakje" sperm. But they can demand an investment from the impregnator. Preferably legally binding. 

Can a man and a woman just be friends? It will be much easier for women who are not traditionally super attractive. Some men jump at every opportunity, some like only one woman that way (or a handful), some men are into men. Some men can be just friends with a woman. If he thinks she is sending signals, maybe his interest will be aroused, but his well developed frontal lobe will talk his reptilian brain out of it. I know a lot of those. Alcohol shuts down your frontal lobe though, lowering your inhibitions.

What I'm trying to get at: women should wear burkas. (Just Kidding)

peace ✌️ 💜 


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