Most Of My Thoughts Are Garbage

My mind is constantly offering me lies, exaggerations and omissions (leaving important information out).

Sometimes this bullsh!t comes out of my head in speech and in writing. But I try to be honest and dismiss these false thoughts. That is not my nature. It's a choice I make. 

Sometimes I get stuck in my head and get all upset at something that really doesn’t matter. I argue in my head with hypothetical people, and get all overstimulated. I make bullsh!t arguments nobody hears. When I become aware of this, I take a deep mindful breath, I take my mind back to my body, my breath and my senses, I try to learn a lesson and let go of what upset me.

Most of your thoughts are worthless. Don't identify with your thoughts. What really matters are your actions. And I include spoken and written words as actions. Your mind is a bullsh!t artist. Just let it go.

peace ✌️ 💜 🌱


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