Cannabis Is A Sucky Drug
I know four stoners that became schizophrenics. One of them killed himself in a psychotic episode. His mother came into his house and saw him hanging from the staircase. It kinda looked like he was standing. She was in schock and did the dishes and was talking to him as if he was still alive and just standing there in the hallway.
Another stoner I know is living alone in his grandparents house, and refuses to see anyone. The last time I saw him he was talking about wacky conspiracy theories. That was in 2019. Only his brother has seen him since, 5 years later. He used to be one of the most intelligent people we knew.
Weed is often depicted as harmless and even as medicine. People make fun of the movie 'Reefer Madness' that is about marijuana making people insane. Some celebrities promote smoking weed as if it will save the world. But it is a flawed drug. It does create schizophrenics.
Weed can have very different effects with different people and at different times. It's very unreliable. For some people it is relaxing all the time, other people will be stimulated and have too many intense thoughts. Some people will have one effect one time, and another effect the other time. You can smoke for years without an issue, and then still go schizo.
When I smoke weed, I have panic attacks and psychotic symptoms. I hallucinate memories that make me feel intense waves of emotion. My brain tells me these are real memories. I get stuck in my head, which is constantly making associations, and can't concentrate on anything. I smoked for years, despite having this reaction and hating the effect.
When I was on the gangja, I also could not create images in my mind anymore, and had the memory of a mosquito.
Weed is addictive. I know a few stoners that can't seem to stop. Tried for years to quit. They spend hundreds of euros each month sourcing the herb. And the stupid thing is, they use so much, they don't really get high anymore. But you can tell they are stoners because they have memory problems, even when they haven't smoked.
Weed doesn't make you creative. You just get a high of the dumbest thought you have. It tricks you into thinking you are being a creative genius. But you are not. It makes 99% of stoners lazy. You are just sitting there, wasting your life.
I've been completely sober for about a month now. Not even coffee. And it's a revelation. It's like I gained 10 IQ points. I feel great. My mind has never worked better than right now, at 41 years old. My OCD is much less. I go to parties completely sober, I only drink water, and I can still go wild and have a great time. I can pay attention. Be present. Remember everything. Have deep and hilarious conversations.
I have an addictive brain. I can't have just a few tokes or just a few drinks. It's all or nothing. Moderation is a lie. Being sober is the best high. I feel awesome and it really motivates me to stay on the straight and narrow.
Click here to read my guide to quitting your addiction with mindfulness.
peace ✌️ 💜
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