My Internet Is Trying To Turn Me Into A Right-Wing Meat-Eater
The meme is that the algorithms of the internet are just giving you more of what you want. That is not my experience. My internet is trying to change my mind. It's trying to turn me into a right-wing meat-eater.
Before you zone out and click away, I would also like you to know that YouTube and Reddit have edited my posts. I have had it happen that YouTube and Reddit changed my posts without the post showing it had been edited. One post I remember was about how you shouldn't trust know-it-all influencers because it's impossible to be an expert in everything. People would respond to the original post and then the content would change. Isn't that a form of identity theft? YouTube is a monopoly that is hard to boycott. I am always polite in my comments.
In 2011 when I was using YouTube to find educational videos on economics, the algorithm would spam me with conspiracy theories about the illuminati and reptilians.
Around 2015 I was watching car videos and atheist videos on YouTube. Atheist channels turned into anti-SJW channels. SJW stands for 'Social Justice Warrior' and it is basically woke before woke. Then one day I clicked on the famous video of Professor Jordan B Peterson trying to hold a speech and being drowned out by noise from SJWs. I decided to research Peterson and watched one video and decided he was full of sh!t.
He said that leftists change the meaning of words and that is like communism and will lead to genocide. He was crying. Then he changed the meaning of 'god' to mean a metaphorical god, thereby doing what he says lefties do. So I decided Peterson was a waste of time. But that was not the plan of the algorithm.
As soon as I had clicked that one video, 100% of my YouTube suggestions would be Jordan Peterson. Not only that, it was almost always a Jordan Peterson video talking about 'biological determinism'. The hypothesis that rich races and genders are genetically superior to poor ones. That civilization is a meritocracy and poor people simply have no merit because they are born stupid.
For months 100% of my video suggestions would be Jordan Peterson. I systematically blocked all those channels but alternative channels with Peterson would replace them. I had to use search to find videos I wanted to see and even in search results of other topics, I would get Peterson videos. For instance, one time I searched 'Bentley Mulsanne' and in the results were Peterson videos. Every video that played automatically after a video would be a Joe Rogan interview with Peterson. In the end, after systematically blocking all those videos without result, I stopped using YouTube for about 6 months.
It's possible that this is not the intention of YouTube, but they can claim what they want about their algorithm, and it's ultimately their responsibility.
Google wouldn't let me find criticism of Elon Musk. As someone with a diploma in Industrial Science I always knew Elon Musk was a conman. The biggest lie must be that electrical cars are green. For years, every now and then, I would try to find criticism of Elon Musk on Google and YouTube. YouTube is owned by Google. But it would only give me pro-Musk stuff. I thought it was weird. I can't be the only person to know Elon Musk is a conman.
There was also a period that after every single video, my YouTube would automatically play the same video of Elon Musk on the Joe Rogan podcast. Hundreds of times.
Then one day the algorithm decided I would be getting Musk criticism. And some of it dated back to when I couldn't find anything.
When I first started researching vegan recipes and veganism, google would flood me with anti-vegan propaganda. The opposite of what I wanted. And I fell for it. Articles like 'vegans have shrunked brains'. I have since gained a lot more knowledge about the science of eating plants.
When I started following socialist politician Connor Rousseaux on facebook, my facebook changed from car posts to right-wing posts and ads by right-wing parties. I started getting videos from a Facebook page that called people apes and they were compilation videos of non-whites commiting crimes. To facebook their credit, I systematically blocked all this right-wing stuff and it stayed away. Unlike Google that pretty much ignores your blocking. When I started following Connor on facebook, I started getting commercials from right-wing parties on YouTube.
During a vacation in Albania no one was logged into YouTube and the video suggestions were almost all right-wing edgelord Tucker Carlson and 'rocket jesus' Elon Musk.
I had the Reddit app and I kept getting push notifications for anti-immigrant posts on a subreddit called Belgium4. I would systematically block Belgium4 every time, several times per day, but my blocking would just be ignored.
The internet is a powerful tool for manipulation, and they are doing it. It's possible you are not reading what I intend you to read. They can change your message without your knowledge. And imagine what they will do with AI. They can create an entire illusion. They are into changing your mind. You are the product.
And it appears foreign American social media corporations are spamming Europe with right-wing meat-eater messages. In wartime they drop flyers on their enemies to demoralize the population.
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