Newsclown John Oliver And His Problematic Ideas

The respect that John Oliver gets from liberals is further proof that a lot of liberals also lack critical thinking skills and self-awareness.

I only follow liberal media. I have concluded that right wing influencers are cynical grifters and the true believers are morons. But I try to always be rational and not just blindly follow liberals. There are some problematic ideas and people that are not getting push-back from within the liberal community. This is push-back of John Oliver.

On Tik Tok I once posted the objective fact "Everything that Kanye has said about jews, John Oliver has said about white people." I lost a bunch of subscribers and a friend messaged me thinking he was going to have to end a friendship. 

John Oliver has said that white people are responsible for everything that goes wrong in the world. John Oliver keeps pointing it out if a bad person, or rich person or politician is white. John Oliver has said that the reason for immigration is that white people are lazy. John Oliver made an episode claiming that white people are racist because they don't know the technicalities of black hair, but they are also racist because they ask about black hair and the episode instructed white people to google black hair. John Oliver once gleefully announced that white people are going to become a minority and his audience jeered and applauded.

I have a rule: If you wouldn't say it about black people or jews, you shouldn't say it about white people. Imagine if he said all these things about jews. He would be indistinguishable from a nazi.

John Oliver once made an episode about a number of black people that had murdered asian people in apparent hate crimes. That week black men had killed six asian people in stranger attacks. The episode has disappeared from YouTube. The episode reasoned that white people are responsible for these hate crimes because asian people are engineers because a white politician introduced a vetting system to immigration. White people should've known that black people can't help themselves but kill engineers. Nazis go through similar mental gymnastics to blame jews for everything. 

John Oliver says All Cops Are Bad. Personally, I think hate crimes are bad. And if we want to arrest murderers, we will need police.

John Oliver made an episode about how the average white teenager is worth more than $100k (I press doubt) while black college graduates are in debt, proving just how racist America is. A couple of things. Average wealth is a useless measure. If Jeff Bezos walks into a bar, everyone in the bar is an average billionaire. The argument also assumes that you should be richer after college, which doesn't make sense. Why is he comparing two different life phases? Also, it assumes that being rich is a crime and being poor means you are a victim. It is also a keystone nazi argument: jews are on average richer so there is a conspiracy afoot.

John Oliver is trying to undo the civil rights movement. He says MLK didn't really mean it when he said we shouldn't judge a person by their color. As evidence he once showed MLKs daughter saying we should judge people for their color, another time he showed a 2 second clip of MLK talking about reparations. More context please. John Oliver has said we should judge people by their race. We have a name for that. 

Of course John Oliver is himself a rich white heterosexual male. According to John Oliver, white people get their jobs because of white supremacy. John Oliver has a reason why he is speaking for black people as a white multi millionaire. Namely, his audience is racist and would only listen to a white man. So having white politicians is problematic but racism justifies having white newsclowns.

John Oliver has said that you shouldn't vote for a candidate who criticizes banks because you are too stupid to question banks. He said it's okay to call his audience stupid because he calls himself stupid. Later on he made an episode about how the national debt is irrelevant, which he shouldn't be doing if he is too stupid to question banks. He makes a lot of financial episodes.

I think most people who call themselves stupid are virtue signaling. I think I'm above average intelligence and I think most people think that about themselves.

John Oliver also had a running joke that he was gay for actor Adam Driver. That's it. That was the joke: being gay is hilarious. That's some boomer shit. Very problematic. 

John Oliver uses what I call "The Clown Defense". That's why I call him a newsclown. The idea seems to originate from other newsclown John Stewart, from a famous interview that really impresses unintelligent liberals. They think he owned the interviewers. I think he was just being a hypocrite and gaslighting people.

The clown defense is: "You can't hold me responsible because I'm a comedian." All these newsclowns keep bringing up this apparent moral principle. They deliver news, they preach morality, they tell people who to vote for, they accuse people of being criminals, they give financial advice, they create narratives about society,... and they gaslight people saying these are all just jokes. Financial advice is obviously not a joke. 

Trump has used the clown defense in the "grab them by the pussy" debacle. Fox News has used the clown defense in a court case about blatant lies saying it's just entertainment. Thanks John Stewart. Liberals do not accept the clown defense from Fox News or Trump. But think it's genius when it comes from our side. 

I don't accept the clown defense. These are not jokes and you know it. Also "it's just a joke bro" is not an excuse for causing harm.

You have to put yourself in their shoes. You are basically doing journalism and political activism but you don't think you should be truthful or responsible for the consequences.

I don't trust influencers who speak like an expert on a new topic every day or every week. It takes months of research to form an informed opinion about a subject. Everytime a know-it-all influencer treats one of my special interests, I realize they are full of shit. They just copy-paste a narrative without deep knowledge.

I think some liberals are stupid enough that they think they are being virtuous by attacking white people instead of attacking racism. I think at least racist right-wingers have the awareness that they are racist because there is pushback. Racism against white people is normalized among liberals.

Luckily liberal politicians seem smart enough not fall for, to give it a name, woke ideology. But intolerant lefties that want to own and injure the evil people on the other side, instead of convincing them, are a gift for the right. 

Most people vote right because of immigration and clowns like John Oliver just give them more reason to reject a multicultural society. By selling the narrative that white people are the baddies in the multicultural ideology. That white people will be punished for history when they become a demographic minority. This is almost literally something liberal newsclown Samantha Bee said on her show. Great job getting votes for Trump. You sure owned the white people, fellow white person. Isn't that "The Great Replacement" theory that mass shooters mention in their manifestos? What a hilarious joke!

You can say John Oliver does some good journalism but according to John Oliver in an interview, you are an idiot if you believe anything he says.

peace ✌️ 💜


  1. Replies
    1. I am indeed somewhat of an information junkie. But I also have a busy social life, so no worries. ✌️

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.


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