I Don’t Believe In Mind Reading
There is a lot of mind reading going on. People claiming to know the true motives of a person. I don't even know clearly what my own motives are, let alone other people.
Speculating about motives is a big part of the news and of social media. "They are just stupid" "They are lying" "They don't know that they are lying" "What they really want is actually..." "They are a narcissist" "They have a cognitive bias" "They are evil" "They intend well" ...
The field of psychology attempts to read minds. Their conclusions often seem true. But it's not an empirical measurement like measuring a volume or length. If I don't know my own motivation, how can a researcher?
You can say: "people are pretty much the same" and base your mindreading on your own mind. But perhaps people have different ways of thinking. Maybe not everyone is skeptical. Perhaps people can be in denial or not able comprehend a contradiction. Am I in denial of my own denial?
I just respond to what people say and don't speculate on what they might really think. They may not be honest. I don't know. Sometimes emails become public that seem to prove that some people are probably cynical opportunists instead of true believers. But I don't know if that applies to everyone that shares their views.
I just don't know. Sometimes my mind tries to mindread, but my conclusion is always: I don't know. You can only speculate about another mind, and often your own mind.
But maybe that's just me. I go through life as if things are what they appear to be. I live in doubt, believing almost nothing. Or maybe I'm just fooling myself with that statement. I don't know.
Peace ✌️ 💜
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