"Be Yourself And Don't Care What People Think" Is Bad Advice
Bad advice that I often come across is to be yourself and not to care what people think. If you really decide not to care what people think you might become a sociopath. You may find yourself masturbating on a bench in the park, if you really really stop caring what people think.
We are social animals. We as a civilization are a super organism of hyper collaborative apes. We depend on others whether we like it or not. What people think of you is very important. Being successful is very much a process of being selected by people who were successful before you. If you want someone, like a bank, to lower down a ladder for you, then they need to like you. If you are selling a product, it will sell itself if people like you. If you want to make friends, which is even more important than being financially successful, you have to work on being a person people want to be around.
If I think about myself and the people I know 5 years ago, and another 5 years before that and so on... the changes are enormous. I am a different person.
There is no true self carved in stone to be discovered. You have a personality, you have genetic baggage, but you also have a great ability to change. To make different choices. You have to be a good person whether it is your instinct or not. Because life is better that way. If you start behaving in a different way, consciously, it will become your new subconscious character. You can and should change yourself.
Welcome criticism from people. You were not born perfect. You are never going to be perfect. But you need to work on yourself as a lifelong project. If someone tells you they don't like your jokes or they don't like your complaining or when they point out that you are being inconsistent,... off course judge whether it is valid criticism, but be open to learn from it and change yourself and become a more likable person.
People who are honest to you, about yourself, are priceless. If you don't have people who keep you straight you might embarrass yourself without realizing. You might find yourself without a real friend in the world.
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