A Story About The Selective Outrage At Inequality
Chris Rock, the comedian who got slapped by actor/rapper Will Smith when he was presenting the Oscars, made a comedy special about "selective outrage". I wonder if he is vegan, or if he makes animals suffer for his cravings. DeMorgen, the newspaper I'm unfortunately subscribed to for 3 years, published an article about how more women than men do well at school and get more master diploma's. They attributed this to their nature. Their biology. Women are genetically superior at studying. The article also mentioned that one of the reasons less babies were being born, was because these highly educated women don't want to date below their status and income bracket. They would rather stay alone than date a poor manual laborer. This article came and went without controversy. Then a short while after, DeMorgen published an about how people from poor backgrounds have less master diplomas, and my phone blew up with indignation. Multiple friends posted about it. Every opin...