People Are Rationalizing
There is this meme going around that you shouldn't use rational arguments because people only respond to emotional argumentation. In online debates with me, people have even said that my argument is wrong because it is rational and not emotional. For instance, I have argued that a plant based diet is superior, and someone (who claimed to be in politics for the Marxist pvda party) responded to my reasoning that I shouldn't use rational arguments and that people would revolt if they didn’t have their daily piece of animal carcass. The irony or paradox is that "you shouldn't use rational arguments BECAUSE people only respond to emotion" is a rational argument. They should be saying "I feel you shouldn't be rational." And even that is a reason. What is logic or rationality? It is stating a hypothesis of cause and effect. This will happen when that happens. That happened because of this. It's what science tries to uncover. Cause and effect is the fund...