
Showing posts from August, 2023

My First Acid Trip

  TRIGGER WARNING: Suicide. This is the story of my first acid trip. If you are going to try psychedelics, please read my harm reduction guide first so you don’t have a bad trip: Club 27 is a group of famous musicians that died when they were 27. Most of them died from drug use. That includes alcohol. I’m in a different club 27. My life began when I was 27 years old because of an LSD trip. My mother was a certified schizophrenic and never got the help she needed because she was too paranoid. My father had issues too. Long story short: I had a crappy childhood. I think I had a mood disorder before the acid cured me. I remember having panic attacks in kleuterklas (school ages 3 to 6). Sometimes I was really really angry without an apparent cause. I didn’t know how to talk to people. Like many boomers my parents thought children raised themselves and didn’t need to be parented and socialized. As a t...

Reddit Post: A Farewell To The Doomsphere

I’m going to unplug from the doomosphere and just read a quality mainstream newspaper on real paper instead. I’ve been a collapsenik since 2001. As a kid I loved nature but when I moved to a city with my dad, cars became my new obsession. I believe that car freaks now, in our history, were the nature freaks of the tribe, who knew every animal and plant. In a city that energy gets diverted to cars. So I was a mix of nature boy and car freak. I studied Industrial Sciences in the equivalent of high school here in Belgium. When I say “studied” I mean I never studied and was always the last of the class. But I managed to get my diploma. I enrolled in Industrial Engineering with the dream of making ultra economical cars. But during the introductory days a professor basically laid out ‘collapse’ and I believed it. He explained the whole thing as we know it now. Peak Oil, the problem with renewables, the Jevons Paradox, exponential growth and a limited planet, climate change,... I had a massiv...